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Artikel: 10 good points when moving out

10 good points when moving out

10 good points when moving out

When you as a tenant need to move out of your rental property, there are many things you need to be aware of. If you have any doubts, we recommend that you contact Lejernes Retshjælp before you move out of your lease, so you are sure that you do not get in problems.

Please note below the 10 good points when moving out of your rental property:
  1. Terminate the rental property in writing before the first day of a month.
  2. As a rule, the lease must be handed over in the same condition as when moving in.
  3. Always make sure to document the condition of the lease when moving in and moving out. Documentation in the form of clear images is a good idea.
  4. Remember to complain about the defects and defects in the lease that you find as soon as you find them. Then you have proof that it is not you who made them, and you therefore do not have to pay for them when you move out.
  5. Get legal advice and guidance. There may be something very specific agreed in your lease agreement that you are not aware of. It is easier for us to advise you before you move out of your lease. The sooner you contact us, the better it is for you.
  6. If your landlord only has your lease, he must send you a list of defects, or a regular vacancy report, no later than 14 days after you have vacated the lease. If the landlord does not do this, he will lose his claim on your deposit.
  7. If the landlord has more than one residential tenancy to let, there is a requirement for a moving inspection when moving in and moving out, as well as the preparation of a report.
  8. You must be summoned to a vacancy inspection, and your landlord must submit a removal report to you after reviewing the lease. If you do not show up for the inspection, your landlord must send the report to you within 14 days. If the landlord does not do this, he will lose his claim on your deposit.
  9. We recommend not signing the vacancy report. In case of disagreement, you can contact Lejernes Retshjælp so that we can help you.
  10. Always get a receipt of when you have handed over the keys to the landlord.

In addition to the above, you can read more about rules and what you need to be aware of when moving in and out of leases.

Please note that the above mentioned may not apply to your lease and that there may be special conditions for your lease.

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